Helping members make the most of what CRN has to offer

Gretchen Powers Vice President, Marketing and Member Experience

Gretchen Powers has seen her share of memorable ups and downs throughout her tenure at CRN, with responsible industry’s advocacy for common-sense regulation an ongoing theme—and the greatest wins resulting from a unified industry voice.

Powers points to the industry’s growth as a flag attracting those who would challenge the value of these products. CRN faces these challenges head on with science-based facts, often having to contend with blatant misinformation. It’s why, she believes, dietary supplement companies shouldn’t go-it-alone by attempting to navigate today’s landscape without association membership.

The cost of CRN membership is a small price to pay considering the immediate legitimacy it confers to companies in the supplement space, Powers advises. She sees this as a well-earned halo effect from the fact that CRN members adhere to the highest ethical standards and self-regulatory guidelines that they themselves have a hand in developing.

Shaping the industry’s future is a big part of the value of membership. “Leading responsible companies should absolutely be at the table with CRN, calling for sensible regulation that levels the playing field and encourages innovation through strategic consensus building.” This behind-the-scenes work is critical to any company’s bottom line.

At the heart of her work for CRN is facilitation of member engagement with the association’s offerings, helping member company team members leverage CRN’s resources and community to enhance their professional development as well as their companies’ success.


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