For Retailers - July 2021


Past Editions—Need to Know Archives


Vitamin D and COVID-19 campaign reaches more than 5 million consumers

In May, the CRN Foundation launched “Vitamin D & Me!” – a consumer education website on vitamin D and COVID-19. The website presents research, expert video interviews, education, and news in a user-friendly format, focusing on U.S. consumers 55 and older. It provides a collection of new resources for consumers addressing the increasing link between low Vitamin D levels and the severity of COVID-19, including interviews with leading researchers in the field and summaries of recent clinical trials.

Keep reading to learn more about the "Vitamin D & Me!" campaign, including:

  1. Review of recent research on vitamin D and COVID-19
  2. “Meet the Experts” video interviews with researchers and clinicians
  3. Educational content for consumers about vitamin D
  4. Media reports on vitamin D and COVID-19

Growing research library offers latest science in consumer-friendly format


The “Review the Research” section of the Vitamin D & Me! site features easy-to-read summaries of key research on vitamin D and COVID-19 and a list of current trials being conducted across the globe. Summaries include main takeaways from the research, a description of the study design, and other considerations.

For example, a recent study found that low serum vitamin D levels were associated with greater in-hospital mortality and need for invasive mechanical ventilation among patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. The study's authors concluded that "given the safe profile and low cost, further investigation of vitamin D supplementation as a preventive and therapeutic strategy for COVID-19 with randomized trials is warranted."

Check out recent studies highlighted on the website:

Discover more research summaries on the website and explore ongoing studies being conducted now focused on vitamin D and COVID-19. 

Expert interview provides insights on vitamin D and immunity, children’s health

The "Meet the Experts" portion of the website takes consumers behind the scenes with top vitamin D and COVID-19 researchers and experts.

In a recent interview, Dr. Carol Wagner, trained neonatologist and professor of pediatrics at the Medical University of South Carolina, offers insights on different types of immunity, how vitamin D acts with other nutrients like calcium, and children’s health and immunity in relation to vitamin D. Additionally, Dr. Wagner discussed how vitamin D is used by the body from various sources and what role white blood cells play in immune function.

An earlier interview featuring Dr. Vatsal G. Thakkar, physician, founder, and chief medical officer at Reimbursify, discussed his discoveries in working with vitamin D and which factors may put individuals at risk for deficiency. Watch the interview here.

Visit the website to hear from more experts about the relationship between vitamin D and COVID-19.

Access information for consumers on risk, dangers of low vitamin D status

The “Get Educated” section of the Vitamin D & Me! website features helpful information about recommended intake, vitamin D and the immune system, and answers important questions, including:

  • Why is vitamin D important?
  • What role does vitamin D play in respiratory infections, including COVID-19
  • How do we get vitamin D?
  • What are the recommended intake levels of vitamin D?

The campaign highlights research from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2001–2010, in which the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency (VDD) was found to be nearly 29% and vitamin D insufficiency (VDI) 41% in a subset of 26,010 U.S. adults.

With regard to risk factors for developing low vitamin D status, according to research featured on the Vitamin D & Me! website, those in the following groups demonstrated a higher prevalence of VDD and VDI:

  • African Americans
  • Less educated
  • Lower socioeconomic status
  • Smokers
  • Physically inactive
  • Obese
  • Infrequent milk drinkers

In addition, individuals with chronic diseases, anyone with diseases that lead to malabsorption, hospitalized patients, and anyone with reduced exposure to sunlight, including older adults, are also at particularly high risk.

Access additional insights and educational material here

Website highlights accessible news consumers can use

The Vitamin D & Me! website’s "D in the News" tab keeps consumers updated with media reports on vitamin D and COVID-19, making reports on scientific news easily accessible.

Recent research from the University of Chicago found that when it comes to COVID-19, having vitamin D levels above those traditionally considered sufficient may lower the risk of infection for Black people.

As reported by the University of Chicago News, 3,000 patients at UChicago Medicine had their vitamin D levels tested within 14 days before a COVID-19 test. While levels of 30 ng/ml or more are usually considered “sufficient,” the study found that Black individuals who had levels of 30 to 40 ng/ml had a 2.64 times higher risk of testing positive for COVID-19 than people with levels of 40 ng/ml or greater.

Read more breaking headlines on vitamin D and COVID-19:

Learn more about the consumer education campaign at and contact CRN’s Kendall Ridley with questions.