“Responsible” is our middle name

CRN promoted self-regulatory initiatives, demonstrating a commitment to accountability, maintaining and improving consumer confidence.

“Responsible” is our middle name, and we lived up to it by:

  • Growing participation in the Supplement OWL with improved business user experience and affirmation by our Board of Directors that members must submit their labels as a requirement of CRN membership
  • Developing considerations for delivery form safety in response to FDA’s report
  • Revisiting and updating our Best Practices for Probiotics
  • Calling for elimination of a loophole in the statutory definition of a dietary supplement to protect consumers against products marketed as supplements but containing illegal or undeclared ingredients
  • Forming a Certificate of Free Sale (CFS) Task Force and developing the template for CRN-issued certificates with agreement from FDA
  • Proactively engaging with CRN members, both domestic and international, to address and inform on COVID-disrupted supply chains for ingredients and packaging
  • Informing key U.S. Trade, FDA, and FEMA contacts of members’ supply chain disruption issues

READ ON — Fostering consumer confidence and industry growth

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